The matrix can take many forms, but there are basically three common varieties. Each type represents a different degree of authority attributed to the program manager and indirectly identifies the relative size of the matrix structures company.

Senior Project Manager
The matrix can take many forms, but there are basically three common varieties. Each type represents a different degree of authority attributed to the program manager and indirectly identifies the relative size of the matrix structures company.
The pure product organization, develops as a division within a division. As long as there exists a continuous flow of projects
It soon became obvious that control of a project must be given to personnel whose first loyalty is directed toward …
As companies grew in size, more emphasis was placed on multiple ongoing programs with high-technology requirements
Organizations are continually restructured to meet the demands imposed by the environment. Restructuring can change the role of individuals in the formal and the informal organization.
During the past thirty years there has been a so-called hidden revolution in the introduction and development of new organizational structures.