Special Problems in Organizational Staffing Process

The organizational staffing process is complex and requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure that the right people are hired for the right job. However, there are always special problems that can make this process more challenging. In this article, we will discuss some of the special problems that managers face when staffing their projects and how to overcome them.

Departmental Matrix

One of the special problems faced by department managers is the departmental matrix, where all activities stay within the department. In this case, line employees are temporarily assigned to projects X and Y, while project Z is headed by supervisor B. The department’s activities involve high-technology engineering as well as R&D, and the biggest problem facing the department managers is training their new employees. The training process requires nine to twelve months, and the employees become familiar with the functioning of all three sections. After training, an employee is assigned to one of the sections. Line managers claim that they do not have sufficient time to supervise training. As a result, the department manager found staff person C to be the most competent person to supervise training, and a special department training project was set up.

Resource Allocation

Another special problem faced by project managers is resource allocation. Figure 4–13 shows a utility company that has three full-time project managers controlling three projects that cut across the central division. Unfortunately, the three full-time project managers cannot get sufficient resources from the central division because the line managers are also acting as divisional project managers and saving the best resources for their own projects.

The obvious solution to the problem is that the central division line managers should not be permitted to wear two hats. Instead, one full-time project manager can be added to the left division to manage all three central division projects. It is usually best for all project managers to report to the same division for priority setting and conflict resolution.

Line Manager’s Resistance

Line managers have a tendency to feel demoted when they are suddenly told that they can no longer wear two hats. For example, Mr. Adams was a department manager with thirty years of experience in a company. For the last several years, he had worn two hats and acted as both project manager and functional manager on a variety of projects. The company decided to incorporate formal project management and established a project management department. Mr. Bell, a thirty-year-old employee with three years of experience with the company, was assigned as the project manager. In order to staff his project, Bell asked Adams for Mr. Cane (Bell’s friend) to be assigned to the project as the functional representative. Cane had been with the company for two years. Adams agreed to the request and informed Cane of his new assignment, closing with the remarks, “This project is yours all the way. I don’t want to have anything to do with it. I’ll be busy with paperwork as a result of the new organizational structure. Just send me a memo once in a while telling me what’s happening.”

During the project kickoff meeting, it became obvious to everyone that the only person with the necessary expertise was Adams. Without his support, the duration of the project could be expected to double. The real problem here was that Adams wanted to feel important and needed, and was hoping that the project manager would come to him asking for his assistance. The project manager correctly analyzed the situation but refused to ask for the line manager’s help. Instead, the project manager asked an executive to step in and force the line manager to help. The line manager gave his help, but with great reluctance. Today, the line manager provides poor support to the projects that come across his line organization.


In conclusion, these examples illustrate how special problems can impact the organizational staffing process in project management. The department in Figure 4–12 faced a challenge in training new employees due to the conflicting demands on line managers’ time. Meanwhile, the utility company in Figure 4–13 struggled with resource allocation across different projects and divisions. In both cases, clear communication and a willingness to adapt were key to resolving the issues at hand. It is essential for project managers to recognize these potential obstacles and take proactive steps to address them, whether through reorganizing staffing structures, addressing conflicts, or seeking outside support. With the right approach, even the most complex staffing challenges can be overcome, enabling organizations to build efficient and effective project teams that can deliver results on time and on budget.

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