Overcoming Barriers to Project Team Development


Effective project management requires strong teamwork and collaboration. However, numerous barriers can hinder the development of project teams, impeding their success. In this article, we will explore common obstacles to project team development and provide practical suggestions for overcoming them. By addressing these barriers, project managers can create an environment conducive to effective teamwork and maximize project outcomes.

Barriers to Project Team Development:

  1. Differing outlooks, priorities, and interests:
    • Team members and support organizations often have conflicting professional objectives and interests, creating barriers to collaboration.
    • Address this barrier by establishing early communication channels to identify and reconcile conflicting viewpoints. Clearly define project objectives and align individual interests with overall project goals.
  2. Role conflicts:
    • Ambiguity regarding team member roles and responsibilities can hinder team development efforts.
    • Minimize role conflicts by facilitating open discussions among team members to clarify expectations and promote a shared understanding of individual responsibilities.
  3. Unclear project objectives/outcomes:
    • Lack of clarity regarding project objectives frequently leads to conflict, power struggles, and role ambiguity.
    • Ensure clear and well-communicated project objectives to minimize conflicts. Regularly review and refine project goals to maintain alignment with stakeholders’ expectations.
  4. Dynamic project environments:
    • Projects operating in a continually changing environment face challenges caused by shifting project scopes, objectives, and resources.
    • Stabilize external influences by establishing agreement on project direction among key project personnel. Educate senior management and clients on the consequences of unwarranted changes and develop contingency plans.
  5. Competition over team leadership:
    • Challenges to team building arise when there is competition or ambiguity surrounding project leadership.
    • Establish clear role and responsibility definitions to minimize competition over leadership. Senior management support is crucial in reinforcing the project manager’s leadership role.
  6. Lack of team definition and structure:
    • Teamwork can suffer when tasks, responsibilities, and reporting structures are poorly defined.
    • Sell the team concept to senior management and team members, emphasizing the importance of clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and tasks. Regular team meetings and visibility in written media help unify the team.
  7. Project personnel selection:
    • Challenges may arise when project personnel feel unfairly treated or when project managers have limited input in the selection process.
    • Negotiate project assignments with potential team members to ensure their commitment and alignment with project objectives. Emphasize the importance of their roles and the rewards that may follow project completion.
  8. Credibility of the project leader:
    • Poor credibility of the project leader can lead to team members’ reluctance to commit to the project.
    • Enhance the project leader’s credibility through sound decision-making, demonstrating competence in general management and technical expertise. Foster positive relationships with key managers supporting the team’s efforts.
  9. Lack of team member commitment:
    • Several factors, such as competing professional interests, insecurity, unclear rewards, and interpersonal conflicts, can contribute to low team member commitment.
    • Address insecurity and conflicts promptly by identifying their root causes and working to resolve them. Foster an environment that supports and satisfies team members’ professional interests.
  10. Communication problems:
  • Poor communication at various levels, including among team members, between the project leader and team members, with top management, and with the client, can hinder team development.
  • Establish open channels of communication, encourage regular dialogue, and provide feedback mechanisms. Emphasize the importance of clear and timely communication throughout the project.
  1. Lack of senior management support:
  • Inconsistent senior management support and commitment can dampen team enthusiasm and project success.
  • Advocate for senior management support at the project’s outset, ensuring they create a supportive environment for the team. Regularly communicate project progress and seek timely feedback to demonstrate the value and impact of the team’s work.
  1. Insufficient resources:
  • Limited availability of resources, such as budget, staff, or equipment, can impede team development and project progress.
  • Clearly communicate resource requirements to senior management and stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of adequate resources for successful project outcomes. Continually monitor resource allocation and proactively address shortages or bottlenecks.
  1. Geographical and cultural differences:
  • Projects involving team members from different geographical locations or cultural backgrounds can face challenges due to communication barriers, time zone differences, and varying work practices.
  • Promote cultural awareness and sensitivity within the team, encouraging open dialogue and fostering an inclusive environment. Leverage technology tools to facilitate remote collaboration and bridge geographical gaps.
  1. Lack of trust:
  • Trust is essential for effective teamwork, and its absence can undermine collaboration and hinder project team development.
  • Foster trust through open and honest communication, consistency in actions and decision-making, and by honoring commitments. Encourage team-building activities and create opportunities for informal interactions to build relationships and strengthen trust.
  1. Inadequate training and skill development:
  • Insufficient training and development opportunities can hinder team members’ ability to contribute effectively to the project.
  • Identify skill gaps early on and provide targeted training and development programs to enhance team members’ competencies. Encourage knowledge sharing within the team and provide resources for continuous learning.
  1. Resistance to change:
  • Resistance to change from team members or stakeholders can impede progress and hinder team development efforts.
  • Communicate the benefits and rationale for change clearly, addressing concerns and involving team members in the decision-making process. Provide support and resources to facilitate a smooth transition and minimize resistance.
  1. Lack of accountability:
  • When team members are not held accountable for their actions and deliverables, it can lead to a lack of commitment and productivity.
  • Establish clear performance expectations and hold team members accountable for their responsibilities. Implement feedback mechanisms and regularly review progress to ensure individual and collective accountability.


By recognizing and addressing these common barriers to project team development, project managers can foster a collaborative and high-performing team. Effective communication, clarity of roles and objectives, support from senior management, resource allocation, trust-building, and continuous skill development are vital for overcoming these obstacles. By actively working to overcome these barriers, project managers can create an environment conducive to teamwork, enhance team performance, and ultimately achieve successful project outcomes.

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