Embracing Agility: Transforming Business Practices for Organizational Success


In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organizational agility is crucial for adapting to change and driving success. This article explores the importance of creating new competences, fostering transparency, and promoting open collaboration within an organization. Additionally, it highlights the need for aligning support functions and adapting business practices to fully embrace agility and maximize organizational effectiveness.

The Power of Agility in Business Practices

  1. Creating new competences: An agile organization embraces the willingness and ability to develop new competences as the need arises. This adaptability allows for continuous improvement and innovation, enabling the organization to stay ahead in a dynamic market.
  2. Transparency and open collaboration: Transparent communication and open collaboration form the foundation of agile practices. By fostering an environment where information flows freely and teams collaborate seamlessly, organizations can unlock the collective intelligence of their workforce and drive better outcomes.

Aligning Support Functions with Agile Teams

As cross-functional teams deliver value, they may encounter challenges with various support functions within the organization. It is essential to address these challenges and ensure alignment to fully leverage the benefits of agility.

  1. Finance departments: As teams deliver value on a regular basis, finance departments can explore new ways to capitalize on products and adapt financial practices accordingly. This may involve revisiting budgeting, financial reporting, and investment strategies to align with the iterative and incremental nature of agile delivery.
  2. Procurement departments: If teams have contracts with external organizations, procurement departments should be prepared to adapt these contracts to facilitate frequent value delivery and synchronization with the team. This requires a flexible and collaborative approach to procurement processes.

Transforming Internal Management Practices

  1. Human resources: As teams become more self-organizing, traditional individual incentives may become less relevant. Human resources should review and adjust incentive structures to support teamwork, collaboration, and the overall goals of agile practices.
  2. Performance appraisals: Managers may face challenges when evaluating the performance of self-organizing employees. Performance appraisal systems should be reevaluated to align with agile principles, focusing on outcomes, collaboration, and continuous improvement rather than traditional hierarchical evaluations.

Embracing Agile Across the Organization

To achieve greater agility, organizations must recognize the need for change beyond individual teams. Business units and departments should embrace the practices and principles that have proven successful in other areas of the organization. This holistic approach ensures that the entire organization operates cohesively and reaps the benefits of agility.


Embracing agility in business practices is vital for organizations seeking to thrive in a dynamic and competitive environment. By fostering transparency, enabling collaboration, aligning support functions, and transforming internal management practices, organizations can fully leverage the power of agility. Embracing change and adapting business practices across the entire organization allows for increased effectiveness, innovation, and sustained success.

Keywords: organizational agility, business practices, transparency, open collaboration, support functions, finance departments, procurement departments, human resources, performance appraisals, holistic approach.

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