Chartering the Project and Team: Building the Foundation for Successful Project Management


Effective project management requires a solid foundation that aligns the project team and clarifies their goals. The process of chartering a project and forming a cohesive team plays a crucial role in establishing a shared understanding of project objectives, facilitating collaboration, and ensuring project success. This article explores the importance of project charters and team charters in project management, particularly in an agile environment. By providing a clear vision, defining project goals, and establishing working agreements, project and team charters enable teams to work together harmoniously and maximize their collective potential.

  1. The Significance of Project Charters:1.1 Understanding Project Vision and Objectives: Every project needs a project charter to communicate its purpose, significance, and direction to the project team. The project charter outlines why the project matters, its ultimate objectives, and the intended benefits for stakeholders. By establishing a clear project vision, the charter serves as a guiding document, aligning the team and providing a sense of purpose.1.2 Defining Release Criteria: A comprehensive agile project charter answers the question of what “done” means for the project. By defining release criteria, the charter sets the standards and expectations for project completion. These criteria serve as benchmarks to evaluate the project’s progress and ensure that it meets the desired outcomes.
  2. The Role of Team Charters in Agile Teams:2.1 Establishing Working Agreements: While the project charter sets the overall project goals, agile teams often benefit from having a team charter that outlines how they will work together. Team charters establish working agreements that define the team’s preferred practices, communication channels, decision-making processes, and expectations regarding work quality and timeliness. These agreements promote transparency, accountability, and collaboration within the team.2.2 Creating a Social Contract: A team charter serves as the team’s social contract—a set of shared values and norms that govern their interactions. It defines the team’s core values, such as maintaining a sustainable pace and respecting core hours, and establishes ground rules for meetings and communication. By collaboratively developing their social contract, team members cultivate a culture of trust, respect, and mutual support.
  3. The Chartering Process and Collaboration:3.1 Facilitating the Chartering Process: The role of a servant leader is instrumental in facilitating the chartering process. A servant leader guides the team through the chartering phase, ensuring that all team members contribute their perspectives and ideas. By promoting open dialogue and active participation, the servant leader fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among team members.3.2 Team Coalescence and Working Together: The process of chartering helps teams learn how to work together and coalesce around the project’s objectives. By actively engaging in the chartering process, team members become acquainted with each other’s strengths, preferences, and working styles. This shared understanding enables them to collaborate more effectively, leveraging their diverse skills and experiences.
  4. Customizing Team Charters:4.1 Tailoring the Chartering Process: While some teams may not require a formal chartering process, it is beneficial for teams to establish clear working agreements. Team members can customize their team charter based on their unique requirements and circumstances. This customization allows them to address specific needs, such as defining “ready” and “done” criteria, establishing time management practices, or setting ground rules for meetings.4.2 Addressing Behaviors and Norms: The servant leader, in collaboration with the team, may decide to address additional behaviors and norms in the team charter. This may include aspects such as conflict resolution strategies, feedback mechanisms, or guidelines for handling shared resources. By proactively addressing potential challenges and conflicts, the team charter promotes a harmonious and productive work environment.


Chartering the project and team is a critical step in project management, especially in agile environments. The project charter provides a clear vision, objectives, and release criteria, while the team charter establishes working agreements and social norms. Together, these charters create an agile environment that fosters effective collaboration, shared understanding, and optimized teamwork. By investing time in the chartering process and customizing charters to meet the team’s unique needs, project managers and team leaders lay a solid foundation for successful project execution.

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