Agile and the Project Management Office (PMO): Driving Value and Adaptability


The role of the Project Management Office (PMO) is crucial in driving business value and supporting project success within organizations. As agile methodologies gain prominence, the PMO must adapt to foster a culture of agility and effectively serve project needs. In this article, we will explore the key characteristics of an agile PMO, emphasizing its value-driven approach, invitation-oriented practices, and multidisciplinary capabilities.

Value-Driven Agile PMO

The primary objective of any project is to deliver the right value to the right audience at the right time. An agile-based PMO aligns with this goal by adopting a customer-collaboration mindset. Operating as a consulting business, the PMO tailors its efforts to meet the specific needs of each project. This could include providing tools, templates, executive coaching, or other customized services. By continuously understanding and adapting to project requirements, the PMO ensures it delivers the most valuable support to the projects it serves.

Invitation-Oriented Approach

An agile PMO recognizes the importance of employee engagement and avoids mandating specific solutions or approaches. Instead, it adopts an invitation-oriented approach, inviting individuals who are genuinely interested in engaging with PMO services. By promoting higher engagement, the PMO’s practices become more ingrained and effective. When the PMO consistently delivers value and demonstrates its impact, clients are more likely to request its services and willingly adopt its practices.

Multidisciplinary Capabilities

To effectively support diverse project needs, the agile PMO must possess a range of competencies beyond project management. Projects may require expertise in areas such as organizational design, change management, or unique business models. Forward-thinking organizations are transforming their PMOs into agile centers of excellence, offering services like developing and implementing standards, providing training and mentoring, facilitating organizational learning, managing stakeholders, and executing specialized tasks. This multidisciplinary approach enables the PMO to cater to project-specific requirements and enhance project outcomes.


Adapting the PMO to embrace agility is essential for organizations seeking to maximize project success and drive business value. An agile PMO operates with a customer-focused mindset, tailoring its support to meet project-specific needs. By adopting an invitation-oriented approach, it fosters employee engagement and ensures the PMO’s practices become ingrained in the organization. Additionally, the PMO’s multidisciplinary capabilities enable it to provide a comprehensive range of services to meet diverse project requirements. Embracing agility within the PMO is a strategic move that contributes to the overall success of an organization’s projects.

Keywords: Agile PMO, project management office, value-driven approach, invitation-oriented practices, multidisciplinary capabilities, organizational agility, project success, business value

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