Companies today are managing projects more informally than before. Informal project management does have some degree of formality but emphasizes managing the project with a minimum amount of paperwork. Furthermore, informal project management is based upon guidelines rather than the policies and procedures that are the basis for formal project management. This was shown previously to be a characteristic of a good project management methodology. Informal project management mandates:
● Effective communications
● Effective cooperation
● Effective teamwork
● Trust
These four elements are absolutely essential for effective informal project management. Figure 2–12 shows the evolution of project documentation over the years. As companies become mature in project management, emphasis is on guidelines and checklists. Figure 2–13 shows the critical issues as project management matures toward more informality. As a final note, not all companies have the luxury of using informal project management. Customers often have a strong voice in whether formal or informal project management will be used.

FIGURE 2–12. Evolution of policies, procedures, and guidelines.
FIGURE 2–12. Evolution of policies, procedures, and guidelines.
FIGURE 2–13. Maturity path.
FIGURE 2–13. Maturity path.

Source : Project management A system approach to planning, scheduling and controlling [EIGHTH EDITION] By HAROLD KERZNER, Ph.D.

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